Showing 1 - 13 of 13 Results
The Suez Canal. Letters and Documents Descriptive of Its Rise and Progress in 1854-1856. Tr.... by De Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie ISBN: 9781142919597 List Price: $32.75
Recollections of Forty Years (Volume 1) by Lesseps, Vicomte De Ferdina... ISBN: 9780217272995 List Price: $17.36
History of the Suez Canal, a Personal Narrative Tr by Sir H D Wolff by Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie De ISBN: 9781154550368 List Price: $14.14
Percement de l'istlsme de Suez : Expos� et Documents Officiels by Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie De ISBN: 9780461952582 List Price: $13.95
Percement de L'Isthme de Suez : Rapport et Projet de la Commission Internationale by De Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie... ISBN: 9781149143063 List Price: $34.75
Isthmus of Suez Question : By Ferdinand Lesseps... by Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie De ISBN: 9781277374780 List Price: $25.75
Origine du Canal de Suez by Ferdinand Marie De Lesseps ISBN: 9781278830605 List Price: $25.75
The Isthmus Of Suez Question: By Ferdinand Lesseps by Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie De... ISBN: 9781343417403 List Price: $24.95
History of the Suez Canal, a Personal Narrative (a Lecture) Tr. by Sir H. D. Wolff by De Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie ISBN: 9781141153565 List Price: $19.75
The Suez Canal. Letters and Documents Descriptive of Its Rise and Progress in 1854-1856. Tr.... by Ferdinand Marie De Lesseps ISBN: 9781357430672 List Price: $27.95
Suez Canal Letters and Documents Descriptive of Its Rise and Progress in 1854-1856 Tr by N D... by Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie De ISBN: 9781150868030 List Price: $23.51
Discours de Reception de M. F. de Lesseps : Reponse de M. Ernest Renan, Directeur de l'Acade... by Lesseps, Marie Ferdinand de ISBN: 9781527612280 List Price: $9.57
Discours de R�ception de M. F. de Lesseps : R�ponse de M. Ernest Renan, Directeur de l'Acad�... by Lesseps, Marie Ferdinand de ISBN: 9780484372657 List Price: $24.91